C'est Moi

C'est Moi

I’m Kevin Jeswani - born & raised Filipino, Indian by blood, and Canadian at heart.

This is a showcase of my data cience projects, a domain I’ve recently pivoted to after completing a post-graduate diploma in Applied Machine Learning & Big Data from the Toronto Institute of Data Science and Technology (WeCloud Data). I have a confident grasp of applying data science methods to various business cases. I am currently strengthening my knowledge base in MLOps and deep learning.

I got my BEng from McGill and my MASc from UToronto in civil engineering (seismic/structural). I worked as a research fellow for the Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative as part of my MASc thesis, developing a computational framework for assessing the sesimic resilience of large building portfolios. This involved advanced earthquake time-history, building response, and regional simulations. I gained an interested in applied machine learning after taking a course during my MASc in data science for cities engineering.

Check out my:

Journal Paper

I worked as a junior structural engineer for the past 2 years, where I have also been responsible for engineering process automation: optimizing/upgrading workflows utilizing excel, VBA, and python scripting to improve interoperability of calculation sheets, simulation software, and drafting routines.

In my spare time, I keep my mind sharp by practicing Muay Thai and running. I also have a deep interest in history, geo-politics, responsible artificial general intelligence, and clean energy/clean tech.